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Email Format to Grab Your Customer’s Attention

Not following email etiquette can cost you. It might not seem like a big deal, but how you write emails determines whether or not people will read them. This article teaches you how to properly format your emails to make them clear and easy to understand. It also provides tips on what you should never do when writing an email. 

You might not realize it, but common mistakes are having an unclear subject line or not following the proper order of sender-recipient message. These small details can make a huge difference in how the person receiving your message perceives it. With these tips, you’ll be able to create the perfect email that won’t get ignored.

1. Use Email Deliverability Tool

Use an email deliverability tool. One of the most common mistakes people make when writing emails is not using the proper format. This can lead to your email getting ignored or deleted without being read. To avoid this, there are some rules you should follow. 

For example, always put the subject upfront in the subject line. This way, it will be easy for your recipient to see what your email is about right away. It also means they’ll have a better chance of reading it before deleting it without looking at its content. It would help if you never used casual language with someone you don’t know very well. 

Remember that how you say things might change depending on who you’re speaking to, so there’s no universal rule for all emails. If you’re having trouble figuring out what tone to use in an email, a professional is always best. It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or which type of customer you serve. Never give off a lazy or unprofessional vibe with your emails! 

Finally, don’t forget to include a signature line at the end of your email if you want people to take action on something.

2. The Dos and Don’ts of Email Etiquette

There’s a lot that goes into writing an email. You need to know the correct format and know what not to do. Here are some dos and don’ts for email etiquette.


  • Use proper punctuation
  • Send your message in plain text
  • Follow all company policies for email usage
  • Have a clear subject line that will grab the recipient’s attention
  • Include your contact information so they can reply or ask questions


  • Use too many exclamation points!!!!!
  • Reply with “no” when someone asks you a question
  • Make assumptions about the person receiving your message

3. Captivating Subject Line

The subject line is the first line of your email. It’s what grabs people’s attention to read your message. To ensure it does its job, you have to write a subject that will capture people’s attention. Don’t use too general or vague words, like “Hi” or “This is just a note.” They’re not specific enough, and the person receiving them might not know what to expect from your message. 

Instead, use something more provocative, like “Check out this new video!” This type of subject line will entice people to click on it and see what you’re talking about. If you’re writing an email for work, make sure you mention the purpose of the email in the subject line and who it’s directed to (i.e., “URGENT: Need help with order”). That way, if someone receives several emails at once and can’t read them right away, they’ll be able to identify yours quickly and know they need to prioritize reading it.

4. Include Important Information in the Subject Line

The subject line of your email is one of the most critical parts. It will decide whether or not your email is opened. For example, if you don’t tell people who you are in the subject line, they will likely not open the email because they won’t know who it’s from. 

This could be confusing if they get an email from ‘’ and then another with just ‘hi.’ This can be avoided by making sure that your subject line includes your name and the company you’re sending it to. That way, there’s no confusion about who it’s coming from and what it says.

5. Make Your Message Clear and Concise

Sometimes, email messages can get lost in translation. If the person receiving your email doesn’t know what you’re trying to say, they’ll likely skip to the next one. Your message must be clear and concise so that the person receiving it understands what you’re trying to say. This will make it easier for people to decide whether or not they want to answer you back. 

Another way that you can ensure your message is clear and concise is by following the proper order of sender, recipient, and message. When writing an email, always start with a greeting followed by a brief introduction of who you are and why you’re reaching out before getting into what you want to say. When appropriate, you should also end with a thank-you at the end of your message!

6. Use Proper Grammar 

Email is a great way for people to communicate. It’s quick and easy, and some people might feel like it’s more personal than a phone call or text message. But if you don’t use proper grammar, you’ll lose your communication. 

Typos and bad grammar make the receiver question whether they should take you seriously. If they can barely understand what you’re saying, they won’t believe you’re trustworthy and will ignore your email altogether. Many emails go unread because the reader doesn’t understand what the sender says. Remember: Speak clearly and avoid misunderstandings by using proper grammar. 

7. End Your Email With a CTA 

The last sentence of your email should include a strong close and a signature. Something like, “Thanks so much for reading my email. I hope you have a great day. Take care, John Doe.” Also, you can include CTA (Call To Action) elements like links to videos or websites to increase interest.

If you choose to end with a question, make sure the question is relevant to the content of your email and that it is something that can be answered in one or two sentences. Many people think an email is over when they hit send, but it’s not over until you’ve finished with a strong close and signature.


There are some definite dos and don’ts regarding email etiquette. It’s important to know how to format an email to avoid getting ignored. This is especially true when you are communicating with clients or potential clients.


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By Susan Barlow

Dr. Susan Barlow is retired from academia after teaching business administration, project management, and business writing courses for over 20 years.

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