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Threw vs. Through

Homophones have different meanings but sound the same. Threw and through are a great example of this. 

  • Threw is the past tense form of the verb throw. Common uses include saying something threw you for a loop or threw you off.
  • Through is a preposition and an adverb. It means that you entered on one side and exited on the other side of something.

Defining Threw and Through

Throw means to launch something in the air with your hand. Threw is the past tense form of throw:

Joanna can throw the ball far.

Throw is part of many phrasal verbs: 

  • Throwing something away means to get rid of it. 
  • Throwing something in means to add something to an offer. 
  • Throwing oneself into something means to work with enthusiasm. 


Throw is also found in some common idioms: 

  • Saying something is a stone’s throw away means it isn’t too far. 
  • Saying something threw you for a loop means it changed your plans.


Through can be a preposition or an adverb. It indicates movement from one side of something and out the other side. 

He drove through several towns on his way here.

Through can also be used in place of the phrase “by means of”.

You will improve through lots of practice.

Sometimes through is used to refer to the passage of time:

Through the years, she’s gotten a lot calmer.


Sentences with Through and Threw

The pitcher threw the ball to first base.

The judge threw out the fraudulent lawsuit. 

She was going through the motions, but her heart wasn’t in it. 


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By Patrice Riley

Patrice Riley is the pen name of Dr. Deborah Riley. She is a retired English professor that enjoys grammar, literature, and all things writing.

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