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How to Properly Write a Blog Post?

Most believe writing a good blog post depends on only using the right words. Well, those who think that are 100% mistaken. Using the proper grammar and the right words isn’t enough to produce a good quality post that people will find appealing. The reality is that you can be the greatest writer but not so great of a blogger. If you are in the blogging business, writing proper blog posts can help you promote your business and reach success. On the other hand, lousy writing can lead to disaster and cause your blog to lose visitors. Investing in your writing knowledge is important to create excellent content that will make your readers return for more. 

Aside from proper writing, you must pay attention to choosing the right web host. Even if you’re the best at writing top-quality content, your blog will not be successful if your web host isn’t good. Do thorough research before you decide on a web hosting company and which type of hosting will fit your needs perfectly. Many web hosting companies offer various hosting services and plans for affordable prices, like HostArmada. Read about the hosting company and the types of hosting services it offers. 

Elements of A Great Blog Post

There are countless blogs, but a great blog contains certain characteristics, no matter its subject. No matter the subject of your writing, there are some elements you can follow to produce a top-quality blog post. 

Here are the elements of a great blog post:

  • Start with a clear subject: The first step toward creating an excellent blog post has a clear subject. You need to leran how to communicate well and have a clearly defined subject matter. Your chosen topic must appeal to your audience, so they would want to return and read more. 
  • Always have an excellent headline: Every excellent blog post has an excellent headline. The headline must be strong and punchy to grab the reader’s attention. Don’t forget to consider SEO when doing your headlines, and do proper keyword research. 
  • Have a hook: If you want to get readers hooked on your blog, you must hook your readers with a problem. 
  • Give a solution: Once you’ve given a problem, it’s time to discuss the solution to the problem. Readers return to blogs to which they relate. Excellent blog posts have a personal take on a subject and express the blogger’s feelings, making them attractive to readers. 

How to Write a Blog Post?

Here are some tips that can help you write proper and excellent blog posts. 

Address an Important Topic

Suppose you’re wondering what will make your blog stand out from the crowd. In that case, we have the simplest answer- start writing about an important topic—readers love reading about important topics and comprehending other people’s opinions on them. Once you choose the topic for your post, do proper research and start crafting. 

Pay Attention to The Title 

The title is the first thing readers see when they open your blog post. No matter how great your blog post is, if the title is boring and not eye-catching, everything will go down the drain. Always take your time to develop a catchy title that will hook your readers. 

Shortly Explain Why You’ve Chosen That Particular Topic

Blogging is a personal form of writing, and readers expect a connection on a much more personal level when they read a blog post. If you want to build a connection with your readers, make sure that you always explain why you’ve chosen the particular topic you’re writing about.

Always Write From The Heart

Every writer experiences a blockage every once in a while. That is completely normal, so don’t stress about it. If you experience a blockage, writing from the heart is the simplest way to overcome it. Connect with your readers deeply and show them that you write out of love. 

Write As You Talk

Don’t try to change and style your tone of writing. When you write as you talk, readers will see that and feel more connected with you and your work. They’ll feel like conversing with you rather than reading a post. 

Make Your Post Scannable

Most readers don’t read posts word for word but scan the whole text for important information. Make your posts easy to scan to make it easier for readers to find the information they’re looking for. Here are a few tips that will help you make your posts more scannable:

  • Write short sentences: they’re easier to read and understand.
  • Use subheadings: they help the reader see the main topics of the post.
  • Keep your paragraphs short: long paragraphs are hard to read.
  • Use bullet points: don’t list items in a sentence; use bullet points instead

Don’t Forget To Proofread

When your post is done, it’s time to read it and look for mistakes. By mistakes, we mean strange sentences and typos because no one wants to see those in a blog post. Bloggers often skip proofreading and publish their posts without checking for mistakes. Unfortunately, skipping this step only leads to disappointed readers and losing visitors. 


As you can see, writing a proper blog post is not as simple as many people think. People can be great at writing books, but they can be bad at writing posts. It takes more than using the proper grammar and the right words to create a post that will attract a wider audience. If you’re dedicated to providing top-quality content to your readers, invest in your writing knowledge and follow the abovementioned steps. 

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By Susan Barlow

Dr. Susan Barlow is retired from academia after teaching business administration, project management, and business writing courses for over 20 years.

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