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The difference between ‘bases’ and ‘basis’

The words bases and basis are frequently confused because they’re easy to mistype. In this article, we’ll explain the contrast between them.

Basis is a starting point, base, or foundation for an argument or hypothesis when utilized as a noun.

Bases mean foundations or beginning points, checkpoints when used as a noun.

An excellent way to remember the difference is Bases is the plural of base.

Out of these two words, ‘basis’ is the most common. It occurs about seven times more often than ‘bases’ in speaking or writing.

meanings of basis and bases

Bases and basis are very easy to confuse because they are homophones (homophones are words that have the same or very similar pronunciation, but different spellings, meaning and origins).  

The difference is:

Bases is the plural form of the noun “base” which means “a foundation or groundwork.” It may also be the third-person singular present state of the verb “to base.” As a verb, this means “establishes or lays a foundation.”

Basis is a noun that means “a fundamental principle or a basic unit.”

Confusingly, bases is also the plural form of basis.

Do I use ‘the bases of the’ or ‘the basis of the’?

The appropriate expression is ‘the bases of the’. The phrase is often confused because of the very similar spelling.

What is the right phrase ‘acrylic resin denture bases’ or ‘acrylic resin denture basis’?

The proper expression is ‘acrylic resin denture bases’. These phrases are often confused due to similar spelling.

Which phrase is correct? ‘of the basis of’ or ‘of the bases of’?

The appropriate phrase is ‘of the bases of’. These phrases are frequently confused because of their similar spelling.

Is it ‘at the bases of’ or ‘at the basis of’?

The proper expression is ‘at the bases of’. These terms are often confused because they seem alike.

Is the right expression ‘American Military bases’ or ‘American Military basis’?

The right phrase is ‘American Military bases’. These phrases are often confused because of the similar spelling.

Is the correct phrase ‘the basis of ‘ or ‘the bases of ‘?

The correct expression is ‘the basis of ‘. These phrases are often mixed up because they look similar.

Which is right, ‘On the basis of’ or ‘On the bases of’?

Use ‘On the basis of’. These phrases are often mixed up because they are easy to mistype.

Is it ‘the basis of a’ or ‘the bases of a’?

The accurate phrase is ‘the basis of a’. These phrases are confused because they are often mistyped

Some synonyms of bases are core, component, part, principles, supports, base.

Some synonyms of basis are foundation, root, reason, base, rationale.

incorrect and correct usage of bases and basis

Examples of bases in a sentence

On either side were small night tables that held matching rose-shaded lamps with ebony bases.

His grandmother used to perform all over at American Military bases.

Usually, campaigns designate regional offices in Iowa that the staff can use as bases.

Minutes were kept at the staff meeting to make sure they’d covered all of their bases.

Examples of basis in a sentence

In my husband’s business, people usually operate on a need-to-know basis.

He walked me to school on a regular basis.

It used what I learned for the basis of my psychology essay.

The 3 pack was only sold on a limited basis.


Test Your Knowledge –

Choose the correct word

  1. I’d pretty much covered all the (basis/bases).
  2. Her twin brother felt confused on a regular (basis/bases).
  3. No one understands what I struggle with on a daily (basis/bases).

stop-answers below

  1. Bases
  2. Basis
  3. Basis


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By Connie Fisher

Connie Fisher is a freelance writer and editor specializing in business writing and marketing. She holds a bachelor's degree in media and journalism and has contributed to a slew of printed and online media, including Contra Costa Times, Daily American, the The Tri-Town News,, and many more.

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