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The Power of Branded Marketing Copy

Updated Oct, 2022: Copywriting is how you get your message across effectively. It’s a serious skill that’s too often overlooked in branding. Every major company is heavily reliant on well written commercial content, also referred to as a copy. If you want a unified brand that gets people enthusiastic, copywriting must be a top regard. 

Copywriting serves as the cornerstone of your branded content and influences how people interact with your company. Your brand’s overall quality is decided in great part by the quality of its copy. You can have fantastic branding but if your material is unprofessional or outdated, it won’t pass the litmus test. 

“Similar to popular branded elements such as the logo, copywriting should also reflect a brand’s authentic character and assist with its overall identity creation,” shares Gevorg Hambardzumyan, the CEO of Front Signs, an eminent sign company in Los Angeles and across the USA.

Branding Spheres Where Copywriting is Needed the Most

Copywriting works wonders in the following three areas of branding:

  • Basic Messaging

A graphic of the word Message and various related words around it written on a white board

All successful companies are founded on a set of ideals. Every company has its own values but they all serve the same purpose. They define what a brand stands for and what you can expect from it.

Copywriting determines whether your beliefs and goals are understood by your customers. Is your main message reputable and effective? That is highly dependent on how you present it in writing. That is the extent of a copywriter’s power.

  • Brand Voice

What do you sound like to your audience? Your tone should be distinct and interesting. It must also be consistent with your fundamental values and offerings. Your brand voice will deliver the message you want your clients to hear. It’s conveyed by tone, style, and other creative writing elements. All of these are based on your copywriting skills. 

Effective copywriting also has the power to humanize your brand. It contributes to the transformation of faceless corporations into relatable entities. That’s what people seem to be able to relate to.

A graphic of the word BRAND surrounded by various related words, forming a lightbulb.

  • Brand Content

Copywriting is the king of content. With today’s ever-evolving marketing tactics, modern audiences don’t respond well to promotional messaging. They often feel like they’re getting tricked without gaining something valuable in return. 

So what makes your content worthwhile? Powerful copy! Copy is a kind of bargaining between a company and its clients. It’s how a company communicates with results. Good copy provides information that’s clear, captivating and informative. It solves a problem in exchange for a customer’s attention.

  • Business logo

A graphic of two hands holding a tablet with the word logo

Another vital aspect of branding is the logo. It is often the first thing the customer sees, and a good logo will grab attention, create a strong first impression and lay the groundwork for your brand identity. If it’s memorable, it will separate you from your competition and foster loyalty to your brand. A lot of thought goes into logo design, including the psychology of color design, so when done right this can be a powerful tool.

Tips to Create Appealing Copywriting 

If you’re on a budget for your branding, start creating powerful copies. In current business branding trends, authenticity and cohesiveness are top players. Good writing creates an authoritative brand image and builds trust with your audience. 

Make sure that your marketing copy doesn’t just include product information but also tells your story on a human level. Factors such as online imagery and specific fonts for business writing assignments will give your story cohesion. Being branded on all fronts will help you establish an upper hand in the industry.

  • Pay attention to emotions

According to research, ninety percent of decisions are emotionally driven. We do what makes us feel safe and comfortable. The so-called “gut feeling” is always playing a role, and we rely on it to make judgments. We go as far as to hunt for facts to defend our intuition rather than making decisions based on facts.

Instead of boring your audience with cold facts, it’s critical to appeal to people’s emotions. Informative bits can be added after the story of your copy has captured them.

  • Follow the three-second rule

People browse a lot during the day – but in three seconds – they decide whether they stay on your site or not. Don’t waste that little but precious time! It’s your moment to use compelling copy to capture attention.

When writing the initial few lines of copy, imagine being the reader. Ask yourself: “What will I get out of reading this?” “Would I love my copy if I were the audience?” There are a wide spectrum of companies with the same profile, so highlight your uniqueness. An overload of information might be harmful so stick to highlights in the beginning. The client will decide whether or not they wish to stay after your first few words.

  • Take the final step

In this phase, you can create content in longer forms. This is where you explain the reasons why your company performs the way it does and why people should choose your products. 

Making yourself relevant to your target audience is one of the most effective ways to express your story. Knowing their goals is the best method to appeal to their feelings since people are drawn to familiarity.

You’ll influence their decision-making psychologically by speaking in their language. Triggering an emotional response by using the terminology that your audience is comfortable with is a key factor for writing copy that sells. The trick is to keep their desires in mind at all times. When they recognize themselves in you, they’ll make a buying decision in your favor. 

Benefits of Effective Copywriting

Copywriting is an important aspect of any branding and marketing strategy. Ignoring it can result in a failure to reach your target audience. To get what you want, you’ll need a good copy! Let’s have a look at how you can benefit from good copywriting. 

  • Effective copy sells

Quality copywriting connects readers and motivates them to act. It helps you to promote your product or company in a way that garners people’s trust.

  • Copy engages your customers

Well-written copy addresses client needs, answers their questions and generates feedback. This is how you can communicate and improve relationships with your clients.

  • Quality copy creates trends

Effective business writing sets product trends. It highlights products in a way that makes them unique and desirable. It mixes benefits with imagination to give readers a twist that makes them crave your products. 

Final Thoughts

Your copy should always be on-brand and speak directly to your customers in their own language. Win over your readers by avoiding excessive formality. Strike the balance between a friendly and professional tone. Without an audience-centric approach, your copy risks being overlooked. And without an emotional appeal, you leave the door open for competitors who can fill that gap. 

Copywriting is undervalued despite how important it is to forming your brand image. No matter what your company’s profile, poor copywriting can leave any marketing team in a rut. Master it and you’ll have customers jumping on one foot, so to speak.

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By Susan Barlow

Dr. Susan Barlow is retired from academia after teaching business administration, project management, and business writing courses for over 20 years.

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